Category 2022 SS Prompt 1: Jewel

Jewel by Marcena Hooks

           I wanted to be anywhere but here in church. It no longer welcomed me like it used to. The sermon dragged on.             “And her worth is far more than rubies…”             Sure, I heard…...

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Fish Alone by Jennifer


Apparently 9:30 didn’t mean 9:30 to Victor. Angie flipped over her phone, her jeweled case making the sunlight dance as she did. Sparkles reflected in the window next to her and off of the fish tank within. The two fish,…...

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The Guardian of Jewel

Long ago, there was a great ruined temple that stood on top of a great mountain. A legend among the villagers who lived on the mountain told that there was an old guardian living in the fortress for several years…...

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