15/26: An Irish Faery Tale by Jessica Thompson

Fuamnach leads Bebhinn into her home, but all is not as it seems...
Fuamnach leads Bebhinn into her home, but all is not as it seems...
27. The Little Black Ball  The little black ball lay in the middle of the table, still nestled in the white mouchoir. Nell couldn’t bring herself to touch it again. The high pitch ringing had abated, but they preferred…...
 Jack knocked on the door. A large, buxom woman answered the door and looked him up and down. “Well, well. We ain’t seen a copper here for some time.” Jack looked at her in surprise. He was dressed casually,…...
Tom's day go from great to really bad!
Scene 29 – Bethlehem 326 CE Theodorus glanced up and noticed a man exit his home as the laden camels began their great bawling and settled to the ground. The man walked quickly toward the caravan and approached a Roman…...
Image by ShortSword on Pixabay. No warnings this week. I don’t know how much of this scene I need or if I need it at all but I’ve rewritten it and I guess it’s making it at the moment. Next…...
Miren, Ali, and Galiahn finish the journey to Altoria and run into a advisory at the gate.
“Mr. Edwards, the doctor said you need to stay here until we can get your heart stabilized. He ran some more tests and the results aren’t back yet.” “I don’t care. I need to get back to my office to…...
Who was that Shandy saw at Spilling the Tea? A busy day with no answers
Lawson drove the black Suburban, provided by the Bureau, off airport property. Stopped at a red light, he glanced over his shoulder at Michelle and Christine sitting, hands clasped, in the back seat. “Michelle, I thought we would start at…...
One Friday morning in January the phone rang as we were eating breakfast.
“Who could that be so early in the morning?” asked Nana. Mama went to the pantry and picked up the phone.
“Yes, this is Eleanor. Is something wrong?” Silence.
“What? When?” More silence. Then Mama burst into tears. Nana got up, grabbed the phone. She listened for a moment or two, then hung up. For the second time in my life I saw my Nana cry.
*there’s a little mention of a bb gun, which I had forgot to put in the week before last, I updated my copy so don’t let that confuse you too much 🙂 [SCENE 27] “How do you know Mark?” Jane…...