Jewel in the crown by Karina

What is a jewel, anyway?
What is a jewel, anyway?
An obituary in the paper triggers old memories
All criticism is welcome and needed. Here is my WIP, the first scene of many to come.
I peered through the bars of the locked gate, trying to rearrange the images in my memory so that they fitted in with what I now saw before me – the empty, silent building that was my childhood primary school,…...
It sat there in a glass cabinet. All shiny and sparkling as it turn around on a turntable. It was beautifully decorated in gold other bright colours. Just by looking at it, your eyes were in transfixed as you tried…...
Wherever you lay your head for the night, know this: that once, while you were sleeping, Jupiter’s Eye passed over you.
How many had she 'helped' before?
Could this be the end? 🙂
The conference centre greenroom was overcrowded and smelled of feet. The sixty maybes had been sent there to wait, and the space was feeling like a holding cell. Jules had at least managed to squeeze herself onto a tatty armchair…...
She's dying, he has to let her go. But then...
Clare sat on the bed holding Danny in her arms, her tears had dried up, for the moment anyway. Outside the sun sparkled in a very unusual english way. A little bit of hope, that the rain had finally stopped,…...