Eyeballed by Martin Haworth

In plain sight.
In plain sight.
Jewels to last a life time.
Standing in the dark of the Imperial Museums’ main exhibit, Charlie listened as the church bells across the city chimed midnight. The final note hung on for a second and was then gone. She opened her eyes in the silence…...
Aydan has been irreversibly changed by his past. Which side does he live on?
(A possible future for the series)
A Ruby.
Of all the Jewels that she could have been chosen by, a Ruby was not even on the list.
Hell froze over. It must have. There was no other explanation for a woman being here, wearing the clothes of a mobster, in a bar meant only for men. She pushes through the entrance, never hesitating, strolling forward with sharp…...
The attempt to immortalize the tragic sister goes wrong
An impromptu meeting in a sleepy village brings all the business owner's together, reluctantly or otherwise
what's in it for ants? Jeremiah was a bull frog....
Despite their best efforts, Bartholomew's team cannot figure out the workings of the strange items presented to them for study by the Commander, so they reach out for a field experts assistance.
Diamond ring was stolen. But there was no any thief. In some time frame it was found in the forgotten place.
Can a trip to France salve a wounded heart?