FIT & PROPER (1) by HoneyMustard [Chapter 1: An Outburst | Chapter 2: Drama Queen | Chapter 3: The Third Call]

Meet the MC and the Femme Fatale.
Meet the MC and the Femme Fatale.
Tilda does not a dad, she has many. From the dependable Brian to the charming Orlando, Tilda has plenty of father figures, but yearns to find the man responsible for her conception. When her grandmother dies and her mother leaves home, Tilda sets out on a quest to track her father down. Encouraged by her alter ego Rachel, Tilda must unravel the family secrets to find the truth, but there more is hidden in the past than the simple matter of a dad. Tilda has set in motion a series of events that puts everything she holds dear at risk. Perhaps Gran was right all along, some things are better left alone…
**The Dad Quest is a manuscript I worked on a few years back. I'm returning to it now, as I need a break from the family drama I wrote in 2023. Any comments welcome!! ***
In 1925, a fateful drive propels Mary into a realm where the past haunts and redemption calls, challenging her very essence.
Holding his breath, Rowan slowly wiped brown globs off of his laboratory spectacles. He looked down at his brand-new, red and gold embroidered tunic, now covered in putrid, grassy clumps of cow excrement. He sighed. Asher had been so excited…...
Barry finds out that he is going to become a father - twice in one day.
The time before… Lightning skittered across the plateau. The successive strikes illuminated a dark silhouette. She stood in her glinting armour, long hair blowing free. The tip of her blade rested in the puddle of blood at her feet. Her…...
Amidst the chaos of her morning routine, Jen's world is shattered by a single message.
A day's hunt ends in tragedy for two siblings. The accidental killing of a witch's son, causes a stone curse on one sibling that sends them on a journey through centuries trying to find a means to free her from the curse.
“A wound is the place where the Light enters you.” -Rumi Prologue – 1863 – He stared at his knuckles. The scattered scabs looked like geese, dark flecks against a winter sky. He stretched his fingers out, then…...
Clare learns something surprising about her daughter.
The Signing ‘So, I have a question for you Brigid. What was it all for?’ Siobhán is pacing back and forth in front of the stove. The stove their mother taught them all to cook on. In the kitchen where…...
Scene 1 - Dina learns she's missed a call from an unexpected person, but is unable to return the call right away. She struggled to make progress on her dissertation, so takes a break to get some air, and encounters an unpleasant, but common, campus fixture.
Scene 5 - Dina finally hears back from her step-sister and learns some upsetting news. In an effort to get to the bottom of the new development, she learns that her family is reluctant to have her come home.