What’s in it for the Ants by Candice Black

what's in it for ants? Jeremiah was a bull frog....
what's in it for ants? Jeremiah was a bull frog....
Invited out on a date, Maggie doesn’t quite see the attraction. She can’t imagine that she’s going to be the gossip of her small town by the end of the night.
He realises he likes her... but is it too late?
Beth was standing in the kitchen, humming to herself as she buttered the bread for the toasted sandwiches, when she glanced up and registered four men standing in the doorway holding handguns pointed at her. For a few moments her…...
Uncut diamonds can look like worthless glass to the inexpert eye - one of life's lessons?
Despite their best efforts, Bartholomew's team cannot figure out the workings of the strange items presented to them for study by the Commander, so they reach out for a field experts assistance.
Moon McFarlane was the youngest and most successful agony aunt in the history of the LA Tribune. Usually, she managed to give rather good advice from a stock of psychology books she had read at college. Being rather mature for…...
I didn’t know why he invited me. And I didn’t know why I had come. But still, I was there, in a bad-fitting hand-me-down tuxedo in front of a palace. The security guard’s eyes glanced me up and down twice,…...
A daughter visits her aging mother in a nursing home.
Leaving...breaks your heart open...the opening of your heart to all that is new...the making of you if you allow it to be. ~Jacqueline Winspear
The Koster river coursed along one hundred and twenty foot high stone cliffs through the canyon...
Diamond ring was stolen. But there was no any thief. In some time frame it was found in the forgotten place.