Category 2022 SS Prompt 1: Jewel


delete - sapphire

Dana’s heart raced as she checked her banking app. Only £2.37 left in her account. She crammed her phone into her pocket and turned the corner to the British Museum. She’d visited the Grecian edifice every day this week. It was the only free activity she could think of to escape her landlord, who assumed she was leaving every morning for her waitressing job. She'd been fired last week for being 'unapproachable'. A bullshit excuse. The restaurant sat empty and they didn't need the staff, nor did any other restaurant Dana had tried.

The Ring by Tom Mullane

The Ring               ©tmullane 25/1/2022 I rushed through the airport, delayed firstly by the bus that seemed to rattle along into next week. Then the security were adamant that everyone must stop, open their luggage, and answer silly questions, “Did…...

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Sister Rocks by Susan C. Evans

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At their weekly brunch at Bogart’s Coffee Haus and Cafe, Gina put forth this topic of discussion to Maura for consideration.  “What makes one element of the Earth a jewel possessing value and another simply something pretty, beautiful, functional, or…...

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