Apologies – Yolande

“My email? It’s the script for the apology video,” I sighed.
“My email? It’s the script for the apology video,” I sighed.
“I can explain!” he shouted, banging on the door. “No!” she yelled back. “Please! I’ll do better!” “No!” she replied. “Find somewhere else to sleep!” He banged the door again and then eventually drove away. The following day, she called…...
My brother asked me if I was okay. The knife I was using was dull. “Yeah, Christopher. I’ll be fine,” I said as I put my finger to my mouth after rinsing and drying…...
Trey tries again...
They let me in to see my older brother a few hours after his surgery. My injuries were limited to a broken arm, but he’d been driving and took the brunt of the impact. Doctor said a few cracked ribs…...
In the distant future there's a new kind of museum exhibit.
Raising boys is always filled with the unexpected.
Kurt Cobain’s voice rang from the speakers – “What else should I be? All apologies…” – as Marla perched on a barstool, eying the door. She was meeting her sister, June, after work. Despite having “something important” to discuss, June…...
“And that is how it must be done, yes?” “No.” “What did you say?” “What did you hear, Bruce?” “It sounded like you were defying me.” “You gave me a choice, not a command. I made my choice. The answer…...
“It goes without saying that the choices made were regrettable,” Clarissa began, pausing to clear her throat vigorously “They were bad choices,” I agreed. “People make poor choices when they’re under a lot of…...
When you think all the power is in you but you are not always right.
“Excuse me, I believe this is mine.” A hand smoothed down Laura’s arm, then tugged at her umbrella.
She spun. Her glare was met by intense gray eyes.