Fit to Burst by Martin Haworth

He had to go.
He had to go.
Money can't buy happiness. It's a fact !
He pushes himself into the downward dog posture. It is hard. He pants. Perhaps the squat might be easier. He grabs the table for support and pushes himself into the squat and gradually pulls up into a semi standing position.…...
It's an adventure.
They came out of nowhere, giggling and jabbing each other in the ribs. My brother and I backed against each other as I clutched my satchel to my chest. “Give me that!” the biggest of the boys snatched the satchel…...
One summer, Daddy brought home a submarine window for our backyard. The thick glass bubble was strange and heavy as the dickens. It sparkled with sunlight and the mystery of the ocean. Filled with water, we declared it the tiniest,…...
the past and the future crash into an office drone's day
Bubbles I feel the warm turquoise water surrounding my body as I kick my feet and move my arms face down, blowing bubbles through the tube in my mouth. Through my mask I see yellow fish with black stripes and…...
Less is more on a dark and treacherous night.....
by Deb
When Gemma was ten she wanted to build a snowman but there was no snow. At 12 she wanted the beach in August, but there was only wind and rain. At fourteen she posted a sign “stop climate change” in…...
The take off and the force of acceleration took Maggie by surprise, pushed her into the chair, her stomach into her spine, and stretched her face into a clown smile. The last crumbs of a cinnamon roll embedded themselves in…...
“Come on kiddo, let’s get you cleaned up a bit.” Kylie picked up the fairy child and plopped her in the kitchen sink filled with warm water. Evie squealed with delight, gently poking at the bubbles. Her iridescent wings glowed a brilliant…...