Prompt to Publication

Critique with kindness

Kindness is the secret to our success When you comment on a story you are holding someone’s dream in your hands. Please don’t ever forget that. One of the best things about this site is the positive, supportive spirit. We…

Prompt to Publication: Amrita Sarkar

Today we are celebrating Amrita Sarkar. Since 12 Short Stories started in 2017 we’ve seen many of our writers go on to publish and accomplish great things with their writing. The Prompt to Publication emails are all about celebrating these…

Prompt to Publication

Prompt to Publication | Fizza Younis

Today we are celebrating Fizza Younis. Since 12 Short Stories started in 2017 we’ve seen many of our writers go on to publish and accomplish great things with their writing. The Prompt to Publication emails are all about celebrating these…