
She was lost in her thoughts. The desert air was beginning to shimmer over the dunes, and she was beginning to feel the heat of the sun on her face. “Write!” she heard the word deep in her heart and…...
She was lost in her thoughts. The desert air was beginning to shimmer over the dunes, and she was beginning to feel the heat of the sun on her face. “Write!” she heard the word deep in her heart and…...
This scene is for the 2nd draft of my novel-in-progress. It introduces the sub-plot for Chuda, who is one of my two main characters. * Lola opens the door wearing a pink, cherry-print apron over her usual black uniform, smoothing…...
This is a scene for the museum ghost/murder mystery story idea.
Four kids in search of a tarantula.
Idea 14: A young woman discovers she is an atheist when a family member dies tragically. Abandoned by her family, only a friendly neighbor offers solace. “I guess I hadn’t thought about until now,” I said, curling my auburn hair…...
Jessie keeps running into the same man and thinks she knows him from somewhere.
“Rayven, there is no such thing as a time tunnel.” He would tell her whenever she broached the subject. “If you are thinking of diving through the catacombs for a nonexistent tunnel,” He fumed slamming the book he was reading shut before jamming it back into its proper place.
Year of the rock, 157th day of the cycle I am surrounded by fools and cowards. How can they not understand the magnitude of this power? Do not covet, they say. Do not wish for more, they say. We could…...
Full of supper and pleasant thoughts of the children’s loving visit with Helen before bed, made Rafe drowsy. He drew a comfortable armchair next to her and within minutes dropped into an unintentional sleep. He very much enjoyed being with…...
This park that was like a hundred miles long was the evening time-pass. Office got over at half past five and she was here at six. A brisk two laps of the circular garden path had sweat pouring out of every pore in her skin. Mira flapped her white cotton top to let in some cool air and found an empty park bench.
“Presley?” Dr. McGovern’s voice was soft. “Still with me?” I shook my head. Yet again, I’d been jolted out of a … a what? I had always chalked up the episodes to a wandering mind, but Doc M told me…...
A mouse scurrying by hugging the wall was struck on the head by one of the heavy globes and died instantly.
“Hasta la vista baby,” squeaked a passing fly, unheard by the pair of humans now regarding each other.