How does it work? Write the Crap Out of It

THIS CHALLENGE ENDS IN DECEMBER 2021. – You can no longer sign up for this challenge.

You’ve bought the book, now share your exercises.  

Thank you for your purchase. To submit your exercises please mail a copy of your Amazon invoice to (If you would like more information before making the purchase please read this post.)

Once we have verified your purchase you will be added to the Write the Crap Out of It group. The verification process can take up to 48 hours.

Let’s Write the Crap Out of It.

My students always laugh when I say this to them, but there is no better advice. You can plot, you can plan and try to control as much as possible, but the magic happens when you Write the Crap Out of It.

How it Works

Once you have mailed your invoice and have been added to the group. Complete the exercises and submit them on There are 27 exercises in the eBook.Post one exercise, comment on four.

Be kind.

There are no deadlines.

You do not have to post in order, but it is recommended.

Stick to the correct wordcount as mentioned in the eBook.

English only please. Sorry, I just don’t have the manpower for more languages.

Read the FAQs and How It Works

Read the Website Tips and Tricks Post.

You post on the website at your own risk.

Existing members:

This is an additional challenge. You still have to keep up with the 12 Short Stories and/or 12 Poems Challenge if you are participating.

Mia has to add you to this level. Please send the proof of purchase to and you will be added to the Write the Crap Out of It Level.

  1. Send your Amazon Invoice to
  2. Write and submit your exercises.
  3. Please follow the instructions.
  4. Read and comment on four other submissions.
  5. Be kind.

New members:


  1. Send your Amazon Invoice to
  2. Write and submit your exercises.
  3. Please follow the instructions.
  4. Read and comment on four other submissions.
  5. Be kind.

Questions: please mail