Esc, by Sylvia

Picked Woman buys a mask idea
Picked Woman buys a mask idea
A thirsty has-been journalist hoping to redeem himself intends to write a profile of a famous cooking guru. But then there's that husband that disappeared.
2023 Day #2 IT BEGAN WHEN The enhancement exercises were grueling. They were meant to be learned over a period of months and sometimes years, but the crew was being placed on the fast track and their bodies were…...
MaryClaire believed that her life began the day that Brynne moved in next door. It was September 2, Labor Day weekend and school started in 2 days. MaryClaire had been following her brothers home from town, their weekly walk into…...
Liv, Day 1, The Island It began when I made a false start at the Atlanta Olympics in 1996. Or should I say, that’s when it began to unravel. I was only 16 and back then you could jump the…...
Day 2 Dani pushed open the door to her apartment and dropped her bag on the bench by the door. She kicked off her shoes and headed to the tiny kitchen, where she poured a glass of orange juice and…...
Erin test comes with a revelation
Story premise, told by a father to his young daughter.