Scene 63, 64 & Scene 1 of Book 2. 🤩

63. The weapons rose Nell suppressed the urge to roll her eyes. How many times can one person die? This was honestly not for her. The ridiculousness of the thought was enough to jar her out of her stupor. She kept her shields in place and reached out, feeling for the weapons. Each had a...

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Mia has used her many years of procrastination experience to create 12 Short Stories. She is a writer and a writing teacher, as well as master of desk organisation and tile grout scrubbing. After yet another year of unfinished manuscripts, random scribbles and self-loathing she decided to set this challenge for herself. It turns out she is not the only one who needed to out-source her discipline. Right now, she is trying to write 12 short stories in 12 months.

Articles: 246