Prompt to Publication

Power of 12 Short Stories

Prompt to Publication | Shwetha HS

Prompt to Publication | Shwetha HS # Today we are celebrating Shwetha HS. Since 12 Short Stories started in 2017 we’ve seen many of our writers go on to publish and accomplish great things with their writing. The Prompt to…

Write the Crap Out of It

WTC – Checklist for Exercises

Hello Writers I hope you are enjoying and learning a lot while you work your way through Write the Crap Out of It and Other Short Story Writing Advice. A few writers have posted their exercises. Yay! They have also…

Write the Crap Out of It

Five reasons to join this writing community

Should you join this writing community? If you are reading this post, chances are you already own several books about writing and follow many writing blogs and have watched countless hours of author interviews, but none of those can give…