My Post Archive

The outsiders are reawakening past traumas and hurting innocents. Will this break the Fold or help them forge new bonds?
It's 1940 in a small town in Virginia. Blanche attends the movies where her brother works as an usher.
An unsolved murder, from thirty years before in a small KwaZulu Natal town, resurfaces after the body of a young woman is discovered, during Covid lockdown.
Healing happens.
Manisha and her husband embark on vacation to a beautiful resort in India but it's not relaxing or fun.
Ramona's at a big celebration for a product launch that offers to change the world. Will this be a career-launcher for her colleague?
Jeremy is an isolated gamer, still living in his childhood bedroom. He's never met anyone like his great aunt Zinnia.
Horatio's cousin, Sarah, along with his aunt arrive for an extended stay. A fragment of Horatio's dream briefly slides into reality.
Different set-up for Eve (from an earlier 52scenes), I had a longer scene but been cutting too much!
Navigating the tension of a strained relationship, Lena clings to the edge unraveling. Aching for respite, she yearns for solace in nature. She's desperately waiting to hear if her friends will join her on a transformative hike. With a looming red alert weather warning, will she find the escape she's looking for?
Katherine decides to apply for the Mars colony.
After an accident that left Andie with one leg, and ex-fiance and her career of choice, a Yoga Instructor. She wants to rebuild her life. The cruel words, "nobody wants a cripple" haunt her, and she has resigned herself to live life alone. Until she meets billionaire Hauck Devereux, who has problems of his own. In order to inherit his deceased father's company and become a Board of Director, his grandmother insists he gets married.
Prologue: Pyre has a dream
"Wake up, girls. Time to get up!" I groaned and snuggled deeper under the cheap flannel sheet blankets, eager to finish my dream.