La Rage – Week 43

Profanity / language

Week 43   ************ Excerpts from Shuvam Reddy’s Journal ************ He reaches for me and puts a hand on my shoulder. A gentle squeeze, his hand is hot, moist. Then he presses harder, massages.   He fills my glass again and brings it to my lips. Drink, he says. Drink, you’re so tense Shuvie, you...

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Hi there!
My name is Jan, I work as a Data Scientist in marketing CRM in Paris. I live in a small appartment in the roof of an old building, in the 4th arrodissement where I write my stories and play my viola in the evenings. On mondays, I have rehearsals with a small orchestra I joined, otherwise, the evenings see me writing, reading, or studying.
On the subject of writing - I'm on my third rewrite. I still can't believe I managed to come this far! The journey is far from over. I'm loving this experience - every single word of it - and have the wonderful friends I've made on here to thank for this.
As to studying, I'm starting a PhD this year and have little time to read, but will try by best. I'm delighted that writers have come to read me, and I will return the favour, of course. Happy writing and see you soon x

Articles: 114