What is 52 Scenes in 52 Weeks?
52 Scenes in 52 Weeks is a novel-writing challenge on Deadlines for Writers. The goal is to write a novel in a year by posting one scene per week.
When does the challenge start?
The first prompt will be posted on 1 January 2025. The first scene is due on 8 January 2025. Missed this year? Join the waitlist for 2026.Â
Are there costs involved?
Yes, a fee of $479 is payable upon registration. This is valid for 52 consecutive weeks from January 2025 – December 2025. It is a non-refundable fee.Â
When will the 52 Scenes workbook be available?
The 52 Scenes workbook will be available for download after payment. Got to Education/52 Scenes 2025. Go to the page and click download.
How do I receive feedback?
Writers post one scene and comment on two scenes. You will see a READ tab. Select 52 Scenes 2025. Select the prompt/week that you would like to read. A list of the scenes will appear. You should receive an email notification when you receive a comment.Â
What happens if I go on vacation or if something out of the ordinary happens?
Please contact Mia before the deadline. You can post a week in advance if you know you will be away. This is restricted to four deadlines for the whole year and only applicable if Mia has been contacted. Mail her at mia@12shortstories.com. Please note you can only post in advance if Mia has approved it. You can only post after the deadline if you are using one of four reprieves and you have discussed it with Mia.
I missed the start. Do I have to wait a whole year?
The challenge starts in January 2025 and ends in December 2025. You cannot join after 8 January 2025. There will be a waitlist for the January 2026 challenge.
What is Deadlines for Writers?
Deadlines for Writers is the home of several writing challenges. We help writers beat procrastination by providing prompts, deadlines and a safe place to post their work. Writers give kind, but constructive feedback by reading four scenes per week.Â
Can anyone join?
Only writers older than 18.
Is there an age restriction?
There is an age restriction. No under 18s. These are adults writing adult stories. Take heed of the warnings. Like in any bookstore you are responsible for your own reading experience.
Does the copyright remain with me?
Yes, it does. Please note that you do post here at your own risk.
Must I use the prompt?
The prompt is meant to kickstart your writing. You do not have to use it in the scene. It’ll help you most when you are stuck. If you have a scene idea you do not need to use it.Â
What is the word count for 52 Scenes?
You must submit 1300 – 1600 per week. No fewer than 1300 words, but no more than 1600 words per week. I have increased the word count this round so that we can take the last week of 2025 and the first week of 2026 off.
Does this challenge actually work?
Yes, it does, but feel free to check out what the writers said. Read the testimonials.Â
Can I post at any time?
No, please only post on the day of the deadline. Wednesday is deadline day. You have 24 hours to post.
How much time should I set aside for this challenge?
We recommend 1-3 hours per week or 10-30 minutes per day, every day. This includes time to read and give feedback on three scenes.
I missed the deadline. Can I still post my story?
You can only post on the day of the deadline. No late submissions will be posted unless you are using a reprieve and you have discussed it with Mia.Â
Who can read my story?
Your story will be read by members of the site. The site and your profile can also be found on Google. The first part of your story(usually the first paragraph) will be visible on the SERP page of Google, but a reader must log in to read the whole story.
Where is Deadlines For Writers based?
We work from Pretoria, South Africa. Time zone: GMT: +2:00
Do I have to post at a specific time?
Scenes are approved from 8AM(GMT+02:00) on the day of the deadline until 8AM(GMT+02:00) the following morning. As long as you post in that window you will be fine.
A note: your time zones change. Mine don’t.Â

Can I post in any language?
If you wish to give and receive feedback you must write in English.
A new option: some writers do not write in English. You can set your scenes to ‘private’. That means your scenes will still be posted on the site and you can still take advantage of the deadlines, but you would not have other writers who read and comment on your work.
What are #braggingrights?
Writers who earn #52/52 receive a super cool badge. You have to write 52 scenes in 52 consecutive weeks* to qualify. That means your scenes are posted on time, are part of the same novel and have the correct word count. You have the right to brag about it.
Where can I find you on social media?
Join the Deadlines For Writers Facebook Group. Lots of action happens here. Follow us on Instagram.Â
Who is Mia?
Mia has used her many years of procrastination experience to create 12 Short Stories. She is a writer and a writing teacher, as well as a master of desk organisation and tile grout scrubbing. After yet another year of unfinished manuscripts, random scribbles and self-loathing she decided to set this challenge for herself. It turns out she is not the only one who needed to outsource her discipline. She has written over 60 short stories by participating in the 12 Short Stories in 12-month Challenges. She completed her latest novel during the 52 scenes in the 52-week challenge in 2021 and rewrote that novel during the 6-month Rewrite in 2022 and 2023. She has also coaxed, cheered and encouraged many writers to the last page of their novels. Read more at www.miabotha.com
More Questions?
Please mail us:Â write@deadlinesforwriters.com