Prompt to Publication | Anna Jensen

Today we are celebrating Anna Jensen. Since 12 Poems started in 2019 we’ve seen many of our poets go on to publish and accomplish great things with their writing. The Prompt to Publication emails are all about celebrating these poets and their wonderful work.

I am so pleased to feature our first poet in the Prompt to Publication series. I hope these interviews will help you and teach you how to use 12 Short Stories and 12 Poems to build your author platform.

Author feature: I’d like to introduce Anna Jensen.

Anna completed the 12 Poems Challenge in 2019 and is continuing with it again this year.

Has 12 Poems helped you as a writer?

Anna Jensen: I joined the challenge shortly after my first book was accepted for publication. ‘The Outskirts of His Glory’ is a Christian inspirational book featuring stories of my travels in and around South Africa together with my poetry. I felt that I would like to continue to practice and perfect the craft of poetry and so joined the 12 Poems Challenge where I have found a wonderful space and community to do just that.

What have you published? 

Anna Jensen: Over the course of 2019 and on into 2020 I have had poems and articles published in online arts and literary magazines ‘The Lost Pen Magazine’ and ‘Heart of Flesh’ literary journal, in addition to being featured in the first two editions of ‘Oh Wondrous Grace’ print magazine in the States. I have also compiled a short book of seven of the poems I wrote for the Challenge, and the inspiration behind them, entitled ‘Poetry and Prayer: when prayers of the heart become words on pages.’

How did 12 Poems help you?

Anna Jensen: The discipline of writing a poem to a given prompt or style monthly has been invaluable. I usually write free-verse and have thoroughly enjoyed learning new techniques and rules for other forms, whilst also realising that I can create something meaningful regardless of the topic I am given. I think previously I felt I could only write ‘when the mood struck’; now I’ve learnt it is a matter of perspiration as much as it is inspiration!

The 12 Poems community has also been amazing. The feedback has always been so encouraging, especially in the early days when I was nervous to share my efforts. Learning to write reviews for others that are both helpful and constructive is also a challenge in itself!

What is your favourite poem that you wrote on 12 Poems?

Anna Jensen: One of my favourite poems that I wrote during 2019 was Splash! This was inspired by an article I read in BBC History Magazine commemorating the moon landing of 1969.


Anna Jensen

Anna is a British ex-pat who has lived in South Africa for a little over twenty years. She lives with her husband and two teenage children a few miles north of the city of Durban on the east coast, from where she can watch dolphins and whales at play.

Anna’s first book ‘The Outskirts of His Glory’ was published in May 2019. The book is a Christian devotional and poetry collection. Anna continues to write poetry and devotionals for a variety of publications, including her own blog.




Read Me by Anna Jensen:

‘Me’ is a poem first published in ‘Heart of Flesh’ Literary Journal earlier this year, which I’d like to share with you.


I am no island

though I seek the solace of uncomplicated solitude

and stand as a colossus to my own independence

I am created connected,




I may prefer that you remain unsullied



by the struggle that is sometimes me,

but I am placed beside you

so you perhaps will

care watchfully

love prayerfully

stand firmly.


And then when you through valleys wander

bring I to remembrance that,

I am no island.


I am not always the centre of the storm that swirls

or the reason for the rage that roars,

but rather I am placed beside you

for just a reason

and a season

as this;

that I may care watchfully

pray lovingly

stand securely.


I truly am no island

I am we

You and me

Mine and yours

Caring, loving, praying, standing


Buy Anna’s Books

Poetry and Prayer

I started writing poems in earnest just a few years ago…My poetry will always begin and end with Jesus. He is the master craftsman, the great author, The Word. In this way, each poem is indeed a prayer; of thanksgiving, of worship, of truth whispered in innermost parts. As you read both the poems and the thinking beneath them, I pray that Jesus would woo you afresh by his presence.






The Outskirts of His Glory

Join Anna Jensen and her family as they travel to seek out and experience the odd and unexpected of God’s creation. Often taking the less beaten paths, they encounter an elephant raised by a herd of buffalo, a community of birds in nests two metres high, a coffee tree growing where it should not exist, and much more.

In each place, Anna senses the still, small voice of God, revealing aspects of his glory and character which challenge and equip us. As well as a photograph of each place visited, every story comes with a scripture for meditation, a poem for reflection and a prayer for application.

As you journey with Anna, you will be inspired to slow down, stop and listen to the whispers of the Spirit as he speaks to you too through the natural world.



Twenty Years an Expat

Anna Jensen Read about Anna’s experiences as she left her native land, and learnt to embrace the different and the new as she settled in South Africa. At times funny, at others poignant, the one constant is God’s love and purpose for Anna in all she experiences. Includes Scripture verses and prayers to help give hope and focus during times of crisis and change.






In All Things – 13 devotions from Africa box set

Anna JensenGod is present In All Things. Few would dispute that. In this exciting new venture, eleven authors of Africa have got together to bring you a boxed set of thirteen books, each consisting of seven devotional readings. Every book has a different theme including wild animals, gardens, land and seascapes, psalms and promises, and many others. These stunning reflections, which include two books of poetry, dwell on different aspects of the incredible land of Africa and on God’s Word. As you ponder these thirteen weeks of devotions, you will delight in the many tastes of this unique and tantalizing land, and you will be drawn closer to the amazing Creator God who created all things–including you.



Captivated by the Creator Inspirational Journal

Anna JensenBe inspired afresh by the voice of the Creator through the beauty of His creation. Be guided by Anna Jensen as she describes her own journey of discovery through articles and poems. This beautiful journal contains pictures for you to color and space for your own thoughts and prayers.






Follow Anna Online:

Visit her site and sign up for her newsletter. You can also find Anna on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

And follow her on Amazon.

Well done, Anna

Want to be featured on Prompt to Publication?

Are you an active, participating member of 12 Short Stories or 12 Poems? Do you have publishing news to share? Please mail and tell her all about it.


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