Balance (Succour sequel) by Timaeus Wayland

Aydan has been irreversibly changed by his past. Which side does he live on?
(A possible future for the series)

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AKA Wesley Rolfe.

I'm a chemical engineer by day and a writer by night. Throw in an adventure and some boardgames and Lego.
I've been writing for over a decade but never done much more than write for fun on the side. I've had lots of book ideas brewing and this year I decided to change that by joining 52 Scenes. A book I started in 2019 will be the focus for this. The other book will be continued in 12 Short Stories.
I am constantly travelling for work but will try my best to read as much as I can and comment. I love all forms of review and appreciate any time given.
Here's to Twenty Twenty Thrive.

Articles: 66