How it will work: 
  1. You post your last scene on 20 December 2023.
  2. You read your final four scenes.
  3. Celebrate.
  4. Don’t do anything. You are forbidden to look at your manuscript for all of January. Go do anything that does not involve the manuscript.
  5. Start re-reading in February. Make notes, not changes. These will be thorough notes though. At this point, it’s good to print your manuscript.
  6. Attend the Rewrite Class in February 2022.
  7. Post your first scene on 2 March 2022.
  8. We’re doubling up. I want to finish the rewrite in six months. This is going to be intense. You will post two scenes every week e.g. Week 1 you will post Scene 1 and Scene 2, in Week 2 you will post Scene 3 and Scene 4 etc.
  9. The scenes will still be between 1200 words and 1500 words each. So you will post 2400 – 3000 words.
  10. Reading: we’ll post one and comment on two.
  11. Any reading reductions will only be applicable to the 52 Scenes Rewrite. If you are doing 12SS or 12P as well your reading requirements will remain the same for stories/poems.
  12. Post your last two scenes on 24 August 2022.
  13. There will be no prompts for the rewrite. Only deadlines.
  14. There will be weekly writing sessions. We will have classes as needed.
  15. Payment will be due before February 2022. 

Questions: write@deadlinesforwriters.com