Read 52 Scenes in 52 Weeks | 2024


1 – Wedding Plans The heavy curtains flapped softly in the evening breeze. From the kitchen, Jamie watched the beige fabric swell and fall back again. The night air brought the crisp clean odour of rain of the freshly moved lawn into the dimly lit living room. “I love the

Bree and Lucia’s daughter, Nikki has gone missing on an island where she went with her friend to do a photo shoot of an abandoned building from the 1800s.
After a disastrous year, Ariel Morgan Brown is ready to make her entrance into the beautiful new life she is surely meant to have - unless disaster chooses to hitch a ride and come along.

Angel Scene One “So where are we going tonight?”, asked Angel. “Be patient and all will be revealed, lover,” Jameson drawls with silk on his tongue, following her fingers as she slips on her fishnets and clips them to the suspenders. He loves the shape of her strong, lean, thighs and

Simone is out there -feisty, academic, irreverent and not afraid to say what's on her mind.
Melissa finds herself in the presence of a blast from her past.

Hope came through the dingy pawn shop door with one last box. The man behind the counter didn’t look up, he just continued to sift through her box of electronics. “I think this is all of it,” she said, as she set the box down on the glass display case housing

He arrives early, parks his car as close to Navy Pier as he can find a space, and walks to the restaurant. It’s a high-end priced sort of place with an outside area that looks almost empty, perhaps not unusually for this end of summer. Or maybe it’s a little early

It was one of those days. She just could not catch a break.“No, no, no, not today.” Jenna looked at time on her phone once again, still walking briskly down the street. Almost hitting he street lamp, she rather stopped to write a message to let Ellen know she’s running late

Ramona's at a big celebration for a product launch that offers to change the world. Will this be a career-launcher for her colleague?
After an accident that left Andie with one leg, and ex-fiance and her career of choice, a Yoga Instructor. She wants to rebuild her life. The cruel words, "nobody wants a cripple" haunt her, and she has resigned herself to live life alone. Until she meets billionaire Hauck Devereux, who has

Aiden didn’t notice the dishwasher drain hose hang up it’s apron, give it’s notice, and quit it’s job at holding it all together. He had only been doing what his mom asked him to every day after school. Turn on the dishwasher. Do your homework. And, he added to the list