Let Me Tell You by Patty Panni

“Emma! Breakfast!” I placed the freshly made pancakes on the table. Discs of golden-brown deliciousness, smeared with butter and maple syrup, along with crisp slices of bacon … just waiting for my daughter and I to enjoy. My son and husband are gone on a Boy Scout camping trip, so it’s just us girls. The...

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Patty Panni
Patty Panni

I'm happily married, retired from a job in the legal profession, and have two 'fur kids' -- a rescue pup named Audrey and an orange tabby named Hobbes. We live in the Memphis, TN area. I'm involved with my local Carnegie Writers Guild, but my passion is for DFW and the lovely writing community Mia has created. It's the absolute best. It has turned me from an intermittent scribbler of words into a dedicated writer with one novel under my belt (almost - still doing final edits), scores of short stories, and a dozen or so poems.

Articles: 249