About Us

Welcome to Deadlines for Writers. Here we kick procrastination-butt and judging by the fact that you are reading the About Page you found us just in time.

You’re a pretty good procrastinator, aren’t you?  We can help with that.

On this site, we write 12 short stories in 12 months and 12 poems in 12 months. You don’t have to do both challenges, but you are welcome to. In 2021, we added a novel-writing challenge as well.

The 12 Short Stories and 12 Poems are free challenges. Please read the How it works and FAQs here.

Ok, right, you are still here. You’re serious. Maybe some reviews will convince you.

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What are you waiting for? Sign up and start writing.

Still here? Wow, you are a master procrastinator, but I can tell you more.

This site was started by Mia Botha. She is a writer and writing coach. At the end of 2016 she was tired and a little disgruntled because yet another had passed without a single story, never mind a novel. Yes, there were many blog posts and lots of copywriting, but no creative writing. So, she publicly stated her intention of writing 12 short stories in 12 months and was immediately joined by a band of intrepid procrastinators who were also sick and tired of procrastinating. We’ve been writing ever since. 

Want to join us? 

You are still here? Unbelievable. It must be my engaging copywriting.

Maybe reading about the publishing successes of our writers will convince you. Read the Prompt to Publication series.

That’s it. I’m stopping. Don’t let me catch you in the comments or else I’ll have to recommend the intensive coaching programme.

Really? Still? You just read the whole About page. Sign up already. I’ll see you for the next deadline.

Ok, right, you are still here. You’re serious. Maybe some reviews will convince you.