Deadlines for Writers is an online writing community. This is a kind, safe place to share your work and to give and receive comments.
Our challenge is to complete 12 Short Stories and, as of 2019, 12 Poems in 12 months. You do not have to do both challenges.
Each writer posts 1 story or poem per month and comments on four other stories or poems.
How to join?
- Register, choose a membership level, then click on your name in the top right corner, and update your profile. Don’t forget to add a picture.
- Read the prompt for that month.
- Write a short story and take note of the word count or write a poem using the instructions for the prompt.
- Rewrite and proofread.
- Click on the Submit button in the top right corner of the screen.
- Complete the form.
- Copy/paste your short story or poem into the block.
- Make sure you choose the correct Prompt category. This is very important. Choose only one: the one for that specific prompt or your story or poem won’t show up
- Submit your story or poem on the day of the deadline. Not before, please. (Stories and poems are approved by the admin to ensure stories and poems are only published on the day of the deadline and have the correct requirements.)
- Read and comment on four stories or poems by other writers. Please follow the commenting/evaluating guidelines
- Find the next prompt and start writing.
- Repeat for 12 months.