Category 24 Plot Prompt 5 | Day 5

Better people by Ingrid Phaneuf

“Ah fuck it,” squeaked the snail as the life squished out of it. It had been on its way across the arch to the clematis stem on the other side. A nice juicy breakfast of leaves had been on the agenda. Now its formerly human consciousness attached itself to the body of a passing aphid, which rode a current of air onto an adjacent young hydrangea. “Danke,” it murmured and got about the business of eating.

An impromptu decision by Didi Bono

Following up the inciting moment, I have tried to stick to Mia’s suggestions and see where that would take me. This is still the novella/novel I have been writing these last few days. Genevieve, my protagonist, spends yet another ordinary day in London until her mother comes up with an idea she hates straight away. That will trigger a sudden decision on her part which will definitely change the course of her life for good (I should know, as I have already written some of the next chapters !!) Anyway, there it is folks