A simple guide to NaNoWriMo – Freebie

Can you write a book in 30 days?

This is how you do it: you sit down at the keyboard and you put one word after another until it's done. It’s that easy, and that hard.
— Neil Gaiman

NaNoWriMo – Freebie

It’s time for NaNo and this workbook will help you to tackle the task. Download the workbook for before and after tips plus tons of scene ideas for when you are stuck. Did I mention there are 30 prompts to help you along?

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Can you write 1667 words every day for 30 days? This simple guide to NaNoWriMo will help you to plan your life before you start. 

It is full of advice and tips for every week of the challenge. You will also find scene ideas for when you are stuck and 30 prompts to help you write every day. 

Download your tracker too. 

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