52 Scenes | The plan for 2022

Hello Writers

My mind is blown. I am so excited that we are almost near the end of this adventure. If everything goes according to plan there will be 48 new stories in the world. I am so proud of every writer in this group.

These are my plans for 52 Scenes in 2022. 

2022 Pricing:

  • I consider you to be the ‘founding members’ of 52 Scenes. To say thank you for supporting me and for believing in this challenge your price for 2022 will remain unchanged. That means any 52 Scenes Challenge you choose to join in 2022 will be the same as last year namely, US $120.
  • The price will increase for new participants who sign up for 2022.
  • Please pay careful attention to where you sign up.
  • To qualify for this pricing please use only the links provided to this group.
  • 2020 Short Story Competition winners also qualify for the 2021 pricing.
  • This offer is only applicable for 2022.
  • There is a payment plan available. Please mail me if you are interested. 
  • Once I know what your plans are I will contact you regarding sign up. 

Writers who did not complete the challenge

We were all hoping for a better year after 2020, but 2021 definitely threw several curves balls. If you fell behind with your scenes:

  1. You are welcome to join the new group starting 52 Scenes in 2022.
  2. That means that you can start again on 5 January 2021 with Scene 1.
  3. You will be able to use the scenes you have already completed and start over.
  4. At this stage, you will have a clearer idea of your story and a better understanding of what it will take to finish your book.
  5. You post one and read four. 
  6. The cost for you will be US $120.
  7. The same rules and same Ts&Cs apply.

Or, rest and take care of yourself and your loved ones. Your story will be there when you are ready to tackle it again.

Writers who will complete the challenge

a) Writers who want to rewrite on their own:

  1. Take your book and do whatever you would like to do with it.
  2. Please make sure you have copies of all your scenes.
  3. I wish you the best of luck with your writing.
  4. Well done.

b) Writers who want to rewrite with a group:

There are two rewrite options with groups.

Another 52 Scenes | 12 Months

  1. If you would like to rewrite your novel, you can sign up for 52 Scenes and do it again. Keeping in mind that it means no rest.
  2. You will post your last scene on the 29th of December and then 7 days later post your first rewritten scene on 5 January 2022.
  3. It will take you a year to rewrite, which is perfectly normal.
  4. You will join a new group of writers, you will post one scene and read four scenes per week again.
  5. Writing sessions and classes included.
  6. There is a small, very small chance, that a second group of writers will start in June 2022. That will give you a six-month break, but I can’t commit to this yet. 

52 Scenes - The Rewrite | 6 Months

How it will work: 
  1. You post your last scene on 29 December 2021.
  2. You read your final four scenes.
  3. Celebrate.
  4. Don’t do anything. You are forbidden to look at your manuscript for all of January. Go do anything that does not involve the manuscript.
  5. Start re-reading in February. Make notes, not changes. These will be thorough notes though. At this point, it’s good to print your manuscript.
  6. Attend the Rewrite Class in February 2022.
  7. Post your first scene on 2 March 2022.
  8. We’re doubling up. I want to finish the rewrite in six months. This is going to be intense. You will post two scenes every week e.g. Week 1 you will post Scene 1 and Scene 2, in Week 2 you will post Scene 3 and Scene 4 etc.
  9. The scenes will still be between 1200 words and 1500 words each. So you will post 2400 – 3000 words.
  10. Reading: this is where it gets tricky. We won’t be able to post one and comment on four scenes per week. It’s too much reading. So, we’ll post 1 and comment on two.
  11. Any reading reductions will only be applicable to the 52 Scenes Rewrite. If you are doing 12SS or 12P as well your reading requirements will remain the same for stories/poems.
  12. Post your last two scenes on 24 August 2022.
  13. There will be no prompts for the rewrite. Only deadlines.
  14. There will be weekly writing sessions. We will have classes as needed.
  15. Payment will be due before February 2022.