Read 52 Scenes in 52 Weeks | 2023

Jackson and Leslie are in the foyer and have time before the Rail section is reopened.
Phillip visits an old acquaintance.
Marcum makes an escape out his window and onto the roof. But soon he'll meet up with an old friend, someone forgotten for a time.

At the end of last week’s scene, Gretchen thinks: I could just slip into the cornfield and disappear. No one would notice. ** “This way! This way!” Delilah galloped ahead. They had reached another crossroads. Mary squinted at the map, holding it at arm’s length. Gretchen stood next to her mom

It was 3:30, later than I liked, by the time I got back from town. We were past the spring equinox so the days had started to lengthen. The air had started to chill already but I would be able to get in a good hour of skiing before dark descended
Dina, wracked with anxiety over her unanswered questions, arrives in Minnesota. She, along with her mom and Dale travel to the cabin.
Good enough is never good enough