- Nancy Jack
- Historical Romance Fiction
- Susanne
- cosy mystery
2_ It took Cosmé another week to be dismissed from the hospital. She was able to walk on her own again, albeit at the pace of a snail. She couldn’t cover any distance to be proud of yet but she would make it to the taxi waiting in front of the
- Peggy (PJ) Rockey
- Crime Thriller
- Tandi
- Drama
- Emotional content, profanity, murder.
- Monica
- Family drama historical fiction
- Pantsing. You've been warned.
- Nonie McElroy
Brigid stands beside Siobhan on the stoop in front of number fourteen, Kings Street North. Slivers of cracked black paint from the Georgian door peel and fall on the icy air to the ground. She stamps to stop the cold rising from her feet to her legs, careful to avoid the
- Beth Stillman Blaha
- YA fantasy
- SJ
- Fantasy
Bernie closed the door behind her, leaned her forehead against it, and cried. A loud thud came from the other side of the door and then the sound of glass shattering against it. She brought her hands to her mouth to stifle a sob. I did the right thing. She told