- Bev Hart
- Women's Christian Fiction
Kelly was in the dining room, seated in the corner away from the retreatants’ tables, when the breakfast gong sounded. The morning sun shone through the north-eastern window, brightening the cheerful floral table cloths. Sipping her first cup of coffee of the day, she watched the people arrive, careful not to
- CReese
- Young Adult
“It’s not fair,” Bradley muttered. “I didn’t do anything wrong, and suddenly Coach is in my face screaming about how I ditched practice today. It’s not my fault we couldn’t get through the rain. And then he picked Dean? Dean runs! He can’t call plays! He can’t think of when to
- Nonie McElroy
‘I thought you said you’d be here for a few weeks. It’s barely been two and now you’re telling me you’re going back to Dublin tomorrow.’ Brigid pulls herself out of Jack’s arms and swings her legs out of the bed and sits up ‘And why are you only telling me
- SJ
- Fantasy
The slight chill of the morning breeze served to cool his temper. Augustine arrived earlier, unannounced, to take Afra back with him to Sadie’s. Luca felt some animosity toward the man Afra seemed to love. He approached every challenging and difficult task with a no-fail attitude. Whether climbing the challenging thick
- Maria Johnson
- Middle grade fantasy
Despite following the faint trail through the mayapples, Larry and Trevor dead-ended at a large pile of brush, no Rosie or dog in sight. Larry looked up through the trees, and noted that the shade of the canopy couldn’t hide the fact that evening was nearly upon them. He guessed they
- Linda
- Supernatural thriller
Chapter 21 Someone was knocking on my door at 8am. I looked through the peephole and realized it was the lawn care company I had hired. “Good morning, Dan Conway, just wanted to let you know we’re going to start digging up the front and backyards. Tomorrow we’ll be back with
- Marie Richmond
- historical fiction
- none
- Eva-Maria
“Now what?” Evie was frantic knowing that she had so little time left before the dragon slayer would hurt Maryana or kill her and there was no obvious way to fulfil his demand. “What do I do now? How can I free Maryana if I can’t bring back Shū Lóng?” She
- Beth Stillman Blaha
- YA fantasy
- Susanne
- almost cosy mystery
21_ Cosmé did not have a good night. She kept tossing and turning. She woke up because she was feeling hot, so she opened a window. Then, she would wake up again because she was freezing. An hour later, her mouth had become so dry from snoring that she needed to
- Leona Dawson
‘Let me get this right. You want to link to my points to get the medical treatment you need?’ Sara asked again. ‘That’s the crux of it, ’Amy said, the flat tone of her voice suppressing her rising panic. ‘And mum and dad don’t have enough points to send your way?