Prologue “So.” You say this to me slowly, your eyes ever more narrow. “This protagonist is just you.” Whatever gave it away? “An author (named Sarah Ramey) and musician (stage name Wolf Larsen), who lives with multiple serious yet highly stigmatized disabilities is so devastated by the cruelty of the world that she has...
Prologue to [Untitled], Sarah Ramey

I have one published book with Doubleday, called The Lady's Handbook for her Mysterious Illness, a book about living with serious, invisible, difficult to diagnose illnesses such as ME/CFS, long Covid, fibromyalgia, Lyme, POTS, complex regional pain syndrome, Ehlers Danlos, etc.
And I am also the musician known as Wolf Larsen - you might have heard a song of mine if you watched Wednesday or New Amsterdam on Netflix!
I am currently writing an autofictional romance - it's my first attempt at fiction, so I figured I would bridge the gap by making myself the main character. This also allows me to write a disabled romance without appropriating someone else's disability, and also without having to pretend like the main character's hyper-specific, one-in-a-million physical limitations aren't me.